6/14/2012 10:23:00 PM

FII Activity 06/14/2012

Reporting Date Debt/Equity Investment
Gross Purchases(Rs Crore) Gross Sales(Rs Crore) Net Investment (Rs Crore) Net Investment US($) million Conversion
14-JUN-2012 Equity Stock Exchange 1869.80 1583.90 285.80 51.18 Rs.55.8505
Primary market & others 0.00 13.50 (13.50) (2.42)
Sub-total 1869.80 1597.50 272.30 48.76
Debt Stock Exchange 973.20 709.70 263.50 47.17
Primary market & others 150.80 161.00 (10.20) (1.83)
Sub-total 1124.00 870.70 253.30 45.35
Total 2993.80 2468.20 525.60 94.11
Reporting Date Derivative Products Buy Sell Open Interest at the
end of the date
No. of Contracts Amount in Crore No. of Contracts Amount in crore No. of Contracts Amount in Crore
14-JUN-2012 Index Futures 81215 2029.05 37597 952.49 396774 9954.92
Index Options 609138 15374.64 618116 15637.01 1640041 41988.02
Stock Futures 42270 1074.29 45183 1124.61 933077 22834.29
Stock Options 46490 1248.36 46713 1256.12 49408 1289.62
Interest Rate Futures 0 0 0 0 0 0