7/13/2012 07:28:00 PM

FII Activity 07/13/2012

Reporting Date Debt/Equity Investment
Gross Purchases(Rs Crore) Gross Sales(Rs Crore) Net Investment (Rs Crore) Net Investment US($) million Conversion
13-JUL-2012 Equity Stock Exchange 2457.30 2138.60 318.70 57.22 Rs.55.6985
Primary market & others 0.00 5.20 (5.20) (0.93)
Sub-total 2457.30 2143.80 313.50 56.29
Debt Stock Exchange 426.70 224.10 202.60 36.37
Primary market & others 0.10 2.00 (1.90) (0.34)
Sub-total 426.70 226.10 200.70 36.02
Total 2884.00 2369.90 514.20 92.31
Reporting Date Derivative Products Buy Sell Open Interest at the
end of the date
No. of Contracts Amount in Crore No. of Contracts Amount in crore No. of Contracts Amount in Crore
13-JUL-2012 Index Futures 57465 1501.54 74964 1917.06 577086 14633.56
Index Options 607159 15857.36 528761 13880.51 1672779 43794.7
Stock Futures 40437 1130.63 59074 1610.39 972309 26100.53
Stock Options 62722 1806.49 65559 1890.35 63721 1819.8
Interest Rate Futures 0 0 0 0 0 0